
Welcome To SSKV Elementary School


An Elementary School exclusively for girls was started in 1904 under the name “The Conjeevaram Girls’School” by Diwan Bahadur Sri Somasundara Sastriar and housed in a choultry belonging to Collah Singanna Chetti Charities.

In 1911 the School obtained recognition and was registered as THE CONJEEVARAM HINDU GIRLS’ SCHOOL UNION. Sri Somasundara Sastriar continued as President until 1912 and on his passing away Sri Ramaswami Sastriar a retired District Judge became the President and served until 1947 consolidating the edifice.

The first Headmistress Smt. Parvathammal, teacher and administrator of legendary fame earned for the School a sound reputation.

Carrying over the legendary work of Smt. Parvathammal, in the year 2014, keeping with pace of technological development, we have introduced training the teachers and the students in computer operation and Spoken English.